Monday, 18 February 2019

Sibling Rivalry!

It’s everywhere!! The competition for attention, affection and approval of parents, teachers and elders!! Even siblings are not exceptions here! Sibling Rivalry is a great cause of concern for many parents.

So a parent might be tempted to ask, is there anything we can do to help these children and make them bond better?? Reduce our own stress in the flow as well :D

Let’s first understand why this happens, n let’s do that through a child’s point of view:

Causes of Sibling Rivalry:

1.    Inadequate attention: Most common reason for sibling rivalry is the child feeling neglected, ignored or unattended. It’s mostly the case when a new baby arrives and focus shifts to the younger one. Child feels threatened by the arrival of a new baby.

2.    Parent’s reaction to a conflict:
“My mom and dad are always taking side of the baby!!”
“My mom always punishes me even if I make a small mistake but loves the baby in spite of him being so noisy all the time”
“My grandpa tells me to be a good boy always! Why can’t I shout a tiny bit?”

Do we see a pattern here? Parents’ expectations of the elder one always behaving nicely with the baby does not leave any room for the mistakes of the older child. The child feels wronged because people are concerned for the baby more than himself. And as much as we consider that child grown, he most probably is still a child himself.

3.    Special child in a family:
Having a special child in a family is a big challenge for parents and children alike. Special children need more attention, more understanding, more adjustments and more time!! They simply need more of our efforts! While we, as adults, adjust to such situations and adapt, young children might take a while to understand and adjust.

4.    Not enough family time:
Jobs, relatives, commitments, problems.. A nuclear family struggles a lot. Lack of enough bonding time with children makes the things more difficult. N worse becomes the case when they have to share that “Insufficient time with Mom” with the newly arrived sibling.

5.    Lack of bonding between siblings:
The animosity among siblings is greatly affected by age difference, the amount of time they spend together and the bonding between them. Greater the bonding, lesser the chances of them being rivals.

Now let’s see how we can help the children bond better and get rid of that animosity.

1.    Friends before birth:
Help the children become friends even before the baby has arrived. Talk to the older one about the baby and the changes about to come. Prepare them for the change. Help them talk to each other.
“Do you feel the kick?”
“Do you see him move?”
“Do you want to have a new friend?”
“What should we name the baby?”

Involve the older one in preparations for the baby. Reassure them that even after the arrival of the baby, you will still love them as you do now if not more! The older child should feel the positivity around new arrival and not the anxiety for unknown.

2.    Gifts for both:
Whenever you are buying things for new baby, make sure to buy a small gift for the older one as well. He will truly appreciate the gesture. Also talk to him about the possibility of other people coming with a single gift and assure him that he may share it with the baby.

3.    Family time:
Turn your daily routine to include family time for all. Turn the bath time on weekends for all children to have bubble bath together. Make it a habit to have meals together. Plan activities that encourage enough family time eg. Picnics, swimming, exercise etc.

4.    Special time for the older one:
Make special efforts to spend time with the older one. Your time is the most effective reassurance that shows them that you care! Plan few minutes every day with older child alone. Reading a bedtime story, Morning cuddles, Bath times. Let these be uninterrupted times with the older child.

5.    Big Bro / Sis in charge:
Let the younger one be a shared responsibility. Children love being able to take control. Allow the older one to entertain them, comfort them, teach them, play with them, work with them, and finish tasks together. Help them accomplish things together. Let them sleep together. You sit back and observe. Supervise and help if the need be. Don’t ever leave them unattended though!

6.    Set limits:
As much as it’s important to allow children to just be themselves, it’s also important to set limits. Do not allow hitting, screaming, aggressiveness. Help children to identify discomfort of others. Help them understand when to stop. Turn simple squabbles in humour but do not allow belittling and teasing beyond comfort of any of the children.

7.    Don’t compare:
Most importantly, don’t compare. Each child is different. Celebrate that individuality and allow time for them to do things at their own speed. Refrain from being a referee and do not take sides as far as possible. Get involved when its necessary but allow them to resolve their conflicts themselves.

Happy Parenting!!

Friday, 15 February 2019

Balance and co-ordination

Balance is the ability to maintain a controlled body position during task performance, whether it is sitting at a table, walking the balance beam or stepping up onto a bench.

Why is balance and co-ordination important?

1. Allows the child to be involved in the sports
2. Helps fluid body movement for physical skill performance 
3. It is helpful in maintaining self regulation for daily tasks 
4. Better balance and eye-hand / eye - leg co-ordination minimises chance of an injury

What activities can help improve balance and coordination?

1. Walking on Uneven and Unstable surfaces: Walking over unstable surfaces (e.g. pillows, bean bags or blankets on the floor) 
2. Unstable swings and moving games including suspended Climbing ladders, Ropes and jungle gyms. When swings move in unexpected ways it forces the trunk muscles to work harder.
3. Wheelbarrow walking (Child ‘walking’ on their hands while an adult holds their legs off the floor).
4. Swimming: Involves the body having to work against resistance of the water, thus providing better awareness of where the body is in space.
5. Kneeling (with no hands touching the floor) to tap a balloon back to another person.
6. Hopscotch: Requires the child to switch movement patterns frequently and rapidly.
7. Stepping stone games with big jumps (i.e. no steps between the ‘stones’) challenge a child’s balance.
8. Bike and scooter: Both activities require the child to continually make postural adjustments to maintain balance.

We @ Discovery Playhouse practice balance though following PE activities for toddlers -

1. Balance beams
2. Balancing a bowl on head and walking
3. Scooters
4. Hopscotch
5. Tadasana
6. Standing on one leg
7. Wheelbarrow walking (Child ‘walking’ on their hands while an adult holds their legs off the floor).
8. Long jumps
9. High jumps
10. Stepping up on chair and jumping down

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Spending Quality Time with Children!

Spending Quality Time with Children!

We, as Parents, want the best for our child. We do our best to provide the right kind of environment and learning experience for our child. We are also aware of the limitations, constraints of time. The relaxed, curiosity feeding, nature connected, enjoyable environment of old days is hard to be found in this age where nuclear families are running around to make the ends meet and survive.

Can we still make that little extra effort in available time and see the smiles grow on our child's face?

We most definitely can!

Here are some ways you may spend some time with your child without affecting your routine all that much and still be able to bond with them big time!

1.       Bed time stories –
Put those videos / audios aside and talk to your child. Just cuddles, small talk and listening to their stories will work wonders for them. Give five minutes daily for the book reading. You read stories for them and listen when they try to read it to you. Correct them if they make mistakes.

2.       Have meals together –
Have you noticed that children eat better when everyone is sitting at the table beside them? Yes the do! And again, put those mobiles aside and sing them a song. Ask them questions. Tell them about your day! Ask them about theirs! Just have some family time together.

3.       Time for cuddles –
Don’t miss an opportunity for a cuddle!! Ever!! Physical touch is very important for children. Cuddle.. Hug.. Hold hands while walking.. Show affection whenever you can!

4.       Question answer time –
While you drive them to school, why not to have a fun question answer session? As them to name words starting from a specific letter. Ask them to talk about their favourite things or activities. Ask them to narrate stories for you.

5.       Picnics / Outings –
Children simply love being outdoors. Instead of planning a movie date with your child, plan a picnic. Involve them in packing. Allow them to pick the menu. Let them set the meals. You feed them all the time. How about you allow them to feed you for a change?

6.       Quite time every day –
Children by nature are curious by nature and they love exploring. But, they need that quite time as well. Put on some soothing music and listen together. Try simple yoga and meditation. It’s a habit they will appreciate lifelong.

7.       Wake up calls –
Is your child a late riser?? Do you always have to call up several times for them to wake up? Is morning cries a routine for you? Try a soft featherlike caress instead. Put them to sleep early. Cooing and whispering sweet words in their ears wakes them up and puts a smile on their lips. Ask them if they are read to wake up. Allow a minute of just lying down time. It will give you that extra special bonding minute with your child at the start of the day.

8.       No technology time –
It’s no use asking them not to watch TV all the time. You yourself have to switch off TV / Laptop / Mobiles and Just dance with them instead!! And believe me it will be so much more fulfilling to see their smiling faces.

9.       Laugh with them –
Laugh with them. Play with them. Watch their silly cartoons with them and crack silly jokes. Watch their eyes open wide with wonder!

10.   Focus on them –
Look them in the eyes and talk to them. Even when you are scolding them! Help them understand that they matter a lot to you and you will have meaningful conversations with them in future as well. It’s their first step to recognize their individuality.

Sibling Rivalry!

It’s everywhere!! The competition for attention, affection and approval of parents, teachers and elders!! Even siblings are not excepti...